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Unlock your true magic & potential!


A deeply transformative Journey

Discover the 5 Keys to Healing; from Trauma to Joy

Powerful programs: healing and guidance
in overcoming trauma, depression, pain & anxiety
The Scarab; transformation & renewal

The Scarab is the sacred beetle of Ancient Egypt. Literally, scarab means 'to come to life'.  
In ancient Egypt, it was considered a sacred being associated with the sun god Ra. Egyptians saw the scarab as it rolled dung into a ball, which they believed symbolized the sun's daily journey across the sky, thus associating it with rebirth and the cycle of life.

Furthermore, the scarab beetle lays its eggs in this dung ball. Because the ancient Egyptians did not yet know that larvae pupate and then take on another form, it seemed as if the beetles emerged from the dung. This is why it symbolizes transformation, renewal, creation, immortality, happiness, divine protection and wisdom.
The symbolism of the scarab can inspire you to reconnect with nature and the natural cycles of life, embrace change and transformation, let go of what no longer serves, find strength and resilience within yourself, trust the process of life, and strive for personal growth and development.

Just as the scarab emerges from manure, you too have the potential to transcend problems, learn to transform negative 'shit' into strength and positivity and thus create a new beginning for yourself! In the Scarabae programs you will work on this step by step!

In 3 powerful programs I will teach you how to work with your energy in such a way that you can transform your pain into strength and manifest the life of your dreams!

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Benefits of a Course

Why I recommend a trajectory over individual sessions:

Engaging in healing, awareness and personal growth is a process. It takes time and dedication. As with everything in life, whether it is about relationships, career, health or athletic performance, the more you really go for it, are willing to invest, and give it your true attention, the greater the result! What you focus on grows!

These courses offer the right structure and framework to translate your desire for improvement into targeted action, and to maintain this rhythm, even when things sometimes get a bit more difficult...

Each trajectory has everything you need combined, without you having to worry about it, searching for information and making a plan. During your entire course, you will be given what is needed at each next step.

A trajectory provides a clear framework in which you can expect certain progress within a certain period. Because you have a structure, and therefore see results, you also remain more motivated and focused, than with separate sessions that you do only at times when it suits you.

A trajectory therefore offers more results, but is also cheaper than booking individual sessions. In addition, you will receive many inspiring tips and practical exercises by email with each trajectory!

The payment is also easier than always paying per individual session. You simply order and pay directly online , in one go, or per month if desired.

Finally; as mentioned before, healing is a process, a journey. The more you immerse yourself in it, really make the conscious choice for a life changing experience , the more your healing is a central theme in your life This means you will get less easily distracted .  by all kinds of daily worries and busy agendas, in comparison to when you only book an individual session every once in a while.

This commitment to yourself and your journey is  the greatest gift to your future self!

The 3 Healing programs

In these 3 Scarabae programs you will receive pure attuned healing and pleasant guidance. Suitable for anyone struggling with mental and physical health issues, such as depression, anxiety, sleep problems or chronic pain and fatigue. With practical tips and easy exercises you will learn to use the     5 Keys & the Energetic Basics to open the door to a free and happy life! With the method of Scarabae you will quickly notice results and from here on you can continue to deepen this healing experience. In this way you will quickly lay a solid foundation of liberation, empowerment and experiencing so much more pleasure for the rest of your life!



3 mnd

Do you feel stuck in your life? Do you long for more freedom and happiness, but do you feel increasingly inhibited and limited, and does the life you want seem unattainable?


In this trajectory you can become acquainted with the powerful combination of quantum healing and holistic guidance. You will experience results quickly, feeling more energized and free. In no time your life changes for the better.

This trajectory is supportive and inspiring for anyone who is ready for a breath of fresh air in their life, wants to leave fear and negativity behind and wants to get more in touch with their true inner strength!



6 mnd

Do you feel that the life you are living now is not giving you the satisfaction you want? Do you want change but are you not sure how to create real sustainable results?


With the powerful combination of quantum healing and holistic guidance, you will go through a beautiful process of awareness and personal growth towards your true potential!

This path is very transformative and suitable for anyone who desires to, and is willing to let go of negative, limiting patterns, and really wants to learn to stand in their power. You will learn how to transform old pain, fear and difficulties into confidence and strength for a life in more relaxation, fun and freedom!



9 mnd

Do you really want to live from your true Self?

Do you feel the deep desire to transcend your current story, your current life, and your current limitations? To fully embrace your dream, goal, or vision for a new kind of life?


In this life changing trajectory you will not only let go of old fears and limitations and discover your true power. You will also learn to manifest more consciously, to create your reality according to your own desire and vision.

This path is very deepening and life changing. If you grant yourself this, you will face a future that matches your deepest desires, your highest potential and your true Soul Identity. A life from your heart, full of wonder and satisfaction!


Do you desire more MAGIC in your life?

YES!   I am ready for a life changing step towards


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