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Writer's picturekarinvanderzwan

17 Frequently heard objections to seeking help for psychological problems

Updated: Aug 16

(and my answer to this as a healer and therapist)

Although, fortunately, we talk more and more openly about mental healthproblems these days, such as depression, burnout and anxiety, if you are going through a dark period yourself, it can still be a barrier to actually discussing this. Fear and shame often play a role in this. But a certain perception of professional help, which is not necessarily correct, also makes it difficult for people to ask for help. In this article I therefore list frequently heard objections. Including what I would like to answer to this, from my practice as a healer and therapist.

1. There's something wrong with me

Many people walk around alone for an unnecessarily long time with mental healthproblems. The idea that there might be something wrong with them, results in how some would rather hide their struggles, sometimes even from themselves, than go public with them to find help. Shame and fear of the reaction of others play a major role in this. However, psychological issues do not mean that there is something wrong with you. It just indicates that you are stuck somewhere. If you can't figure it out yourself, and you can no longer experience (hardly any) positive feelings, you need some help until you find the right direction again. You are not exceptional in this, everyone sometimes comes to a point where it's just not going so well.

2. No time

Of course, you may have a lot of work and obligations. However, experiencing mental health issues, such as pain, fear and stress, are signals from your system that you are overloaded. Your system requires rest and proper care to recover mentally, emotionally and physically. Ignoring these types of signals, because you think you don't have time for them, usually only leads to a deteriorating condition, until eventually, you can no longer take it. From there it will take considerably more time to recover than had you listened to the earlier warnings and taken care of your well-being.

3. Too expensive

There are various options for treatment. The rates can vary a lot. Some treatments can also be partially reimbursed by supplementary insurance. However, not everyone has additional insurance. You can always ask your doctor what options are available for regular treatments. If that does not appeal to you, you can see which 'alternative' care suits you better. In my practice I have opted for the formula where the treatments are not reimbursed. However, this means there is no inequality between people with and without additional insurance. This also allows me to keep my rates relatively low. In addition, I offer the option of a payment arrangement for people who have little to spend. This way I stand for what matters most; that help is available!

4. For people who are weak

When you're not feeling well at all, it can seem like others are all happy and successful, while your life just feels difficult. But even though you may not notice on the outside, everyone goes through difficult times sometimes. And everyone needs some help sometimes. Even he people you see as strong and succesfull. If you're going through a tough time and can't get out of it, it doesn't mean you're weaker than others. Or that asking for help is weak. On the contrary, it takes a lot of courage to ask for help. It shows that you are powerful enough to face your problems and have the will to learn and grow. This only brings more insights into yourself and life, and thus contributes to the growth of self-respect and self-confidence!

5. Prefer to talk to friends or partner

It is very nice to have dear friends and family, or a partner with whom you can share a lot. However, if things have not been going well for a long time, it is wiser to seek help from a care provider. Someone you also feel comfortable with, but who is not personally and emotionally involved with you. This person can help you better. A professional has the right skills and methods to provide appropriate help. And in this way the relationship with your loved ones also remains better balanced.

6. Afraid of therapist judgment (am I weird?)

It can feel very uncomfortable to talk about your emotions and problems. Especially when you are not feeling well, you tend to have a negative self-image more quickly, which makes you think that someone else will find you strange too. And maybe even be afraid that a therapist will find that there is something really wrong with you. I would like to reassure you. There is nothing wrong with you! As a healer and therapist, I will never find anyone strange. I see everyone as perfect in their own way. Every person has their own peculiarities and qualities, and everyone has to deal with obstacles and challenges in their life. These difficult parts are part of the life processes that everyone goes through. An experienced therapist will always look at how you can use your qualities to overcome your difficulties. Because that is what it is all about for everyone in the end.

Nothing human is foreign to us!

7. Afraid of environmental judgment

The same actually applies here... your own fear of judgment from others is probably greater than the amount of people who will actually be negative about your struggles, or the fact that you seek professional help. But you can never completely rule out negative reactions. People can sometimes react negatively for various reasons, which may not have anything to do with you. What matters most is that YOU feel good about it! Most people simply want the best for you and will want you to get better, regardless of whether you choose to seek help or not.

8. Can't I just take a pill?

In some cases, especially when someone may become a danger to themselves or others, medications can be necessary to prevent escalation. However, Adain's approach is not to numb symptoms such as pain, stress and sadness with medication. A more sustainable solution lies in learning to regulate such difficult emotions and thoughts. The effect of a pill may be quick, but it also wears off over time. As a result, you gradually need more and more to numb what you don't want to feel. By learning to feel emotions and how to deal with them, you prevent addiction to medicines, and you also learn skills that help you to overcome challenges and difficulties in all other areas , for the rest of your life!

9. I don't want any medication

At Adain we work with your energy, your thoughts, emotions and body. As a result, you can make significant and sustainable progress without medication or pain relief. Adain never prescribes medications. If you are already taking medication however, that is not a problem. You are still welcome for treatment here.

And if desired, you can receive advice about beneficial herbs and nutrition, from Ayurvedic teachings, homeopathy and phytology, to support your recovery and overall well-being.

10. I don't like to complain

Everyone sometimes comes toma point where everything just doesn't work anymore. Then it is very good to ask for help. That has nothing to do with complaining. It is usually very relieving when you discuss your situation. By saying it out loud, you often gain insights automatically or through the reaction of the other person that can help you further. Asking for help means that you are willing to work on a solution and could use some support. It is especially courageous and wise to ask for help if you can't figure it out yourself. This way you prevent the problem from unnecessarily escalating .

11. Have had therapy before, but it didn't help

Perhaps you have already tried everything and you only feel like you are endlessly walking in circles , without any lasting results. However, with my way of working I can assure you that no matter what you are struggling with, there is always a next step towards improvement, although this is not always visible to yourself. Once you shift towards another focus you will be able to see it too. I will guide you there. It is like a door that you can open, with new possibilities behind it, new ways to experience more freedom, pleasure and happiness. I would love to share the exoerience with you!

12. Don't want to share private details

If you make an appointment with Adain, and during a healing session, you do not have to tell anything about your situation. I work with the energy, we don't have to speak. Of course, you are completely free to share whatever you feel like. By the way, in every situation, with every care provider, you decide how much you say about yourself, and which topics you want to discuss and which you don't! IAlso; everything you share will remain between us at all times, due to my professional confidentiality.

13. I can't be helped anymore

In fact, you have all the strength and wisdom within yourself for what you want and need. Only sometimes it doesn't feel that way. When there is too much going on in your life, you may no longer know your way around. Treatments at Adain are aimed at relaxation in the moment, so that you can release tension and stress. And from there you will feel more calm, and experience more clarity and strength to face your challenges. No matter how hopeless it may seem, there is always a next step towards improvement! Will you take the first step?

14. Therapist only wants to make money of me

Obviously I cannot speak for others, but like me, most care providers will be compassionate and dedicated tin helping people a step in the right way. The fact that a therapist earns his or her income by providing assistance does not mean that the assistance is not sincere. In fact, the mere fact that someone chooses to specialize in the profession and work with it every day may actually show their heart for others. If you do find a therapist with whom you really do not feel comfortable, or who you feel is not valueing you, you can always express this. It then might be better to find another therapist with whom you do feel comfortable.

15. Waiting lists that are too long

In regular mental health care, it is indeed the case that you often cannot be helped immediately, because there are increasingly longer waiting lists. However, you can always contact Adain immediatly. There are no waiting lists here, you can usually make an appointment within 1 to 2 weeks! Urgent cases are given priority, which means you can get an appointment within 1 to 3 days.

16. I don't want a long journey

At Adain you are completely free to choose what you want. Some people like to visit regularly, as they are truly commited to their healingjourney. Others come every once in a while, when there is a need for a nice relaxing healing or some guidance and inspiration.

17. Don't know where to start

Sometimes there is so much going on, and the situation has become so complex, that it can be difficult to indicate where exactly you want to start. Stress, pain and fatigue play a major role in this. An experienced therapist has the ability to create clarity and structure in even the most complex situations, and knows what steps to take from there towards healing. At Adain you will receive carefully tailored healing and guidance during each session or trajectory. We always work in the moment, dealing with what is, and work towards ijmprovement from there.

For whoever is reading this, I truly wish that, with this information, it'll be a little easier for you, to take the necessary steps for you health and well-being! I'd like to emphasize there is really no need to continue your suffering in silence! No matter how hopeless a situation may feel, you can always take a step towards improvement.

And even though you already have everything inside you to overcome your problems and fulfill your dreams, you don't always have to do it all alone!

If you have any questions for me? Please feel free to contact me!

Love, Adain

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