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Spiritual awakening: the path to a new age

Bijgewerkt op: 16 aug.

The entire universe is inherently expansive. Life on this planet is also always growing and evolving. And so is humanity. Going through cycle after cycle, we have always been evolving since the beginning of our time as humanity. Always awakening to another higher level of consciousness.

However, when we talk about Spiritual Awakening, it usually refers to the specific stage that a growing number of people are now experiencing. Over the past millennia, humanity has gained increasing insight into the physics of the universe. How energy and matter relate to each other, and shape what we call 'reality'. How everything, visible and invisible, is energy. Also our thoughts, emotions and our physical body and environment. This has led to a deeper understanding, which is currently moving us towards a collective paradigm shift. Nowadays, more and more people are treading the path of spiritual awakening. An individual journey that has many phases over many years.

In this process the focus shifts from looking outside ourselves; in the world and to others, to our lives and how things seem to randomly happen to us..... to realizing how we are energetic beings in an energetic universe. All connected. And how, through the laws of physics, we attract and manifest certain people and situations in our lives with our own energetic frequency. Some of them reflect where we are at peace with ourselves, we feel we resonate with them. Others reflect the aspects within us that are not yet aligned with our Soul, stored in our system as limiting beliefs and lower frequency patterns. They come into our lives as the contrast to what we long for, and manifest as pain, illness and any form of adversity or difficulty.

From the old paradigm, the ego perspective, these shocking events seem 'wrong' and intended to damage us. We fear them, always waiting for the next blow that life can deal us. However, from the soul's perspective, there is no duality such as 'wrong and right'. Everything just IS. Things in life move by the grace of contrast. And how we experience it is just a reflection of our own energy. Our perception of difficulties in all degrees reflect what may be healed within us. By showing through these manifestations what we have created from our energetic vibration thus far, it teaches us to choose a higher love-based vibration for a more desirable outcome, or reality. It propels us towards more Love and freedom.

When you realize this, your consciousness shifts and you come into your true power. In this way you slowly let go of the feeling that life is happening to you, the 'victim mode'. You come to the ever deeper understanding of your ability to co-create your reality, through conscious use of your energy. In other words, we are free to choose in each moment how to respond to life. We can choose more peace and happiness. In ourselves and thus also in the world around us!

Raise your vibration! :)))

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